Name: Independent Nation of Old Keloma (Keloma)

Official flag designed by locals after the gain of independance.
The flag is inspired by the old location of the research platform and their new location, depicting one dark grey wider stripe for the Lomonsov ridge, one smaller light grey for the Gakkel ridge and the bright turquoise stripe symbolizing the open ocean. Also shown is both symbol and constellation of Aries. That is due to the dandelions starting to bloom, when Aries becomes visible.

The coat of arms depicts both national animal and flower, as well as the flag colours and both new and old location.

Location before 08.12.1996:Located in the arctic ocean in between the ends of the Lomonsov ridge and the Gakkel ridge towards the coast of Greenland (red dot).

New approx. location:The location is always slightly shifting in the international waters west of Paris, France (red dot).

Quick facts:Language: German (English, Spanish)
Currency: Euro €
1993 Establishment
8.12.1996 Dissolution and disappearance
19.03.2016 Independency
Area: 150m x 150m - 0,022km^2
Population: 175+
National animal: Kelpie
National flower: Dandelion

OriginA secretly established project by an unknown scientific group to prevent further melting of the north cap in the year 1993.The platform was built into the ice and anchored in the see ground out of concrete, steel and an experimental system of floating barrels and various underwater level placed areas and hallways.With time different scientific buildings were established, and further ground was added for a shielded greenhouse experiment.For the greenhouse fertilized earth was transported to the platform through the Transpolar Route. That route was later also used to bring necessities and new workers to the platform.The limited information about the experiment is limited due to an accident occurring on Monday the 12.08.1996. The incident could be seen from the coast of Greenland. It was later hidden as a weather phenomenon, involving the northern lights and a storm.After that day the platform had disappeared along with a big piece of the ice cliff it was built on missing as well.Scientists later claimed an experiment involving the tectonic plates went wrong and introduced a micro earthquake on the Lomonsov ridge side of the platform.

RecoveryOn Sunday the 23.08.2015 two German teenagers found the platform in the national waters west of France, sharing almost the same longitude as Paris.They cancelled their original plans to cross the ocean from France to Greenland on a small sailing boat and inhibited the platform that was only 1km2 big at this point of time.At that point of time only the shielded greenhouses were left. Within them the two adventures found a new mutation of dandelion, which later was found out to produce a more fragrant scent which entrances Bees to come far out from the coast, as well of a higher production of nectar. Later not only is the new dandelion announced the national flower, but it is also used to produce the local delicacy of a special dandelion honey.After a few trips to the mainland of France to get proviant and other goods, they were soon discovered by the coast guard and fled to their island.This caused a dispute about ownerships rights; this was resolved by late members of the original scientific group that transferred the rights. The French government demanded that the platform will become a region of France and without any real power they obliged and became the region “Ile lointaine“.

IndependenceTowards 2016 the platform became more and more popular, first for clubs, later for their run for independency. With only 80 regulars living on and maintaining the island, a lawyer came to the conclusion that the contract with France is not legal.The islanders founded a momentarily government and took the case to the European parliament. After many protests and a spike in population in March 2016 and after the “Rose Island” case was considered, the platform became a micronation on Saturday 19.03.2016. Although it was never officially introduced into the EU, to this day the local currency is the Euro €.

Modern DaysAfter becoming recognised as a micronation, the platform had grown up to 2,1 km2 and the population had peaked at 276.The name “Old Keloma” was formed during the protests in remembrance of the old research platforms origin.The official name became “Independent Nation of Old Keloma”, although most inhabitants refer to the micronation as “Keloma”.After the declaration of independency, the popularity sunk rapidly and alternatives for the declining economy were established. The professional production of dandelion honey started in April 2016. Permission to conduct deep sea fishing was issued in May 2018.During 2019 an independent water source was constructed, leaving the only remaining connection to France a power cable. The political relationship with France is still under tension, while trading is common.

WildlifeDuring further construction old hallways lying under the water level were discovered and within them an independent ecosystem. Besides normal water creatures, a new species of water spider was discovered, that got accustomed to the sea water. The most famous though is located near a radioactive compartment (no further information disclosed) which lies at the lowest part of the platform. The species resembles the mythological water horse Kelpie, but rarely is seen due to their almost transparent form and the danger involving their location. It was announced to be the national animal November 2020.

Countryhuman personality Keloma>She loves her trading partners and is kind and open to them but hackles too if nessecary.>She is independant and fights for it and she doesnt let herself put down from superior countryhuman.>Even though shes working now and loves her garden, she never forgot her teen self and the parties she had.>She hates France (the countryhuman) except if the topic is food.>She loves expensive and excotic food>She is also fond of her origin the arctica and travels there from time to time with her husky.>She is protective of her land and her national flower and animal.

Countryhuman personality M.U.R.D.E.RThe countryhuman kid appeared one day, flagless, at the research platform Keloma and was widely known as "the ghost" and treated like a myth.
The day the platform was damaged and split from the icecliff the countryhuman's kid flag formed.
In result of the shock of her home breaking apart, an already adult, determined and vicious in her approach version of herself was formed. This being was later nicknamed "Murder"
Murder always looked out for Keloma and the platform, protecting not just the young countryhuman but also the platform from harm. She couldnt act against france when she took Keloma over but put her everything into freeing her.
It is theorized that even tho Murder looks exactly like Keloma, she isnt a countryhuman, but rather an organization without name or a human created foundation.
People arent sure what her name stands for, but following attempts were made:Ministry of Underwater Relations for Development and Environmental ResearchMultiple Unexplained Randomly Dangerous Experimental Renditions

Fanfic: Geno & Murder on an Adventureby Geno

Murder and Geno Part 1Murder was working on her experiments when she heard the door opening as a small fire cat entered. She starred at the flame cat, "What do you want Geno? I’m busy." She said trying to go back to her work but Geno jumped on her and begins licking her. Murder sighed and let’s him lick her while hating it. Geno then goes to her lap and becomes human and hugged Murder as a joke expecting the usual reaction of a knife near the throat but that didn’t happened. She just sat there confused as Keloma takes a photo of the two together planning to post it saying "best buds" underneath it. As soon as Murder heard the photo being taken she stands up and chases after Keloma leaving Geno there confused.Happy Valentines time dayMurder and Geno Part 2Murder walks back in, "She better not post that image online or I swear-" she gets cut off by a meow. "What? You’re joking right?" She asked and heard a meow again. "What do you mean we are in a fanfic? If we were then wouldn’t something weird happen?" Another meow is heard. "What do you mean you are the one writing the fanfic we are in Geno? You don’t have a phone on you right now!" The cat soon becomes a human and rolled his eyes, "Murder you didn’t stop me from licking you. You are supposed to hate me. Also Keloma will soon walk in asking where is Lizzi to which you’ll reply that she was eating a banana." Murder rolled her eyes as Keloma walks in asking Murder where Lizzi is. "Keloma she’s eating a banana upstairs and-" Keloma leaves as Murder turned to Geno, "Listen here you little-"Murder and Geno Part 3"How the.. This isn’t real. There’s no way you could know what would happen next.” Murder said freaking out as Geno begins laughing and Murder goes to him and proceeds to [this part has been removed because of fear]. Murder turns off her phone as Geno was crying silently as Murder sighed and left Geno there who turns back into a cat. Chai enters and grabs Geno and puts him over her shoulder and goes back to the living room and places him on Murder’s lap as Murder sighed and goes back to reading about how to torture France without raising suspicion.Murder and Geno Part 4"Time to make a cake." Geno said grabbing Murder who looks like she was forced to do this. "Geno please let me do my experiments." She tried to get him to change his mind but he replied no as they start to make a cake. "Murder hand me the ingredients." Geno told her as she grumbled and hands him the ingredients. Geno smile and after a while they began arguing accidentally causing the cake to burn as Geno realized they fucked up, "Now look what you made me do! Keloma is going to kill me!" He yelled as he and Murder kept arguing until both are knocked out. Geno soon awoke tied up with Keloma looking at them pissed AF. "You ruined my cake." She takes out a knife and stabs Geno only for it to bend as it was a fake knife and Keloma begins laughingMurder and Geno Part 5"Ah!!~ Right there Keloma!" Geno moaned loudly as Murder was nearby and she burst into the room yelling, "ALRIGHT YOU TWO YOU BETTER STOP FUCKING!!!" Murder then saw that Keloma was giving Geno a massage. Murder quickly left and after a few hours Geno goes to Murder. "You thought we were fucking even though I think Keloma doesn’t know what that word means?" He asked as Murder sighed "I’m just protective of her.." she replied as Geno hugged her. Murder hesitated and gave into the hug before saying "I’ll allow it this time but next time I’ll kill you.."Murder and Geno Part 6Murder grabbed a glass of water and smirked as she proceeds to pour it on Geno, "Oops" Geno screamed and scratches her hissing loudly as Murder grabbed him yelling, "BAD KITTY!!" She throws Geno and sprays him with water. After a while she thought to play a joke on Geno with him calling her a Dommy Mommy. She goes to get Geno and he bites her hard. She sighs and tries her best, "Harder" causing Geno to stop and become human, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MURDER!!!" He yelled as Murder began laughing as she revealed that she was Keloma the entire time as Murder was on vacation.Murder and Geno Part 7Geno woke up from his nightmare and goes to Murder and bites her. She looked at Geno and said, "If you dare bite me again then I’ll kill you." Geno let go and hugged Murder tightly who was confuse as fuck because it’s Geno. He just bit her and is now hugging her. "Geno I swear if you do that again I’ll lock you up."Murder and Geno Part 8"We are bringing this back!" Geno exclaimed as Murder looked at him confused. "Bring what back? France?" She asked. "Nope. We are bringing back Geno and Murder!" He exclaimed. "Wait our lives are recorded?" Murder asked as Cati enters and purrs. "Welp that’s all." Geno said as Murder looks at him, "The public can see our lives?"Murder and Geno Part 9 and Lime"Wait why does it say part 9?" Murder asked confused. "Wait who the hell are you?" She asked at Lime. "I’m Lime. Geno forced me to be in this sitcom for some reason." Geno sighed and begins playing with Cati. "I swear those two will take it a step too far." Murder said as Lime noddedMurder and Geno Part 10The obligatory Gender Swap."I swear to god Geno if I get genderswap I will stab you!" Murder yelled before a cloud of smoke appeared and the two are now the opposite gender. "I hate this. I hate this. I hate this." Murder kept repeating as Geno began laughing upon seeing themselves. After a few hours it wears off and Murder takes out her knife and began chasing GenoMurder and Geno Part 11Murder grabs Geno and takes him away to her laboratory to do experiments on him regarding him being a fucking fire cat and how he didn’t get burned. So she decided to do some experiments regarding (MURDER has censored this part of the recording) after a few hours Murder got done and let Geno go but gave him a warning that next time they get genderswap she would stab himMurder and Geno Part 12 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[Redacted]Murder: I still regret agreeing to thisMurder and Geno Part 13 - Cat.Geno goes up to Murder and turns into a cat and begins licking her. Murder picks him up and puts him away, "No licking." She said as when she turned away Geno came out and licked her again. Murder kept putting him up until she gave up called in one of her guards to escort Cateno off the premises.Murder: where have you been?Murder and Geno Part 14 - They both get high."Are you sure about this?" Geno asked Murder trying to not look down. "I’m 1% sure that you’ll be safe." She replied going behind Geno. "Murder what are you doing?" Geno asked as Murder pushes him off the ledge. "Have fun!!" She yelled as Geno kept screaming. He suddenly takes off the VR set as Murder was laughing hysterically. "You thought this was real life!?" Geno sighed and tried to punch Murder but she grabbed his fist, "No.”Murder and Geno Part 15 - The tutorial.Murder: Hello everyone. My name is Murder and today I’m going to tell you what to do a fire cat. she takes out Geno who is stuck as a fire catGeno: meow (LET ME OUT MURDER!!!)Murder: So you first you got to make sure they love you she puts her hand in and scratches his chinGeno: Meow! (This feels good)Murder: Once they love you then you can pick them up. Oh Keloma!!Keloma: She enters Yeah?Murder: Catch! She throws Geno to herKeloma: She catches it Omg it’s a cat!! insert intense pettingMurder: And that’s how you deal with a fire cat~-After-Geno: Why did I sign up for this?Murder: Because you didn’t read the contract.Murder and Geno Part 16 - Enter Genova.Genova: I sigh wondering how I would do chapter 16 "Maybe I could.. no that won’t work… wait… why does it say Murder and Geno Part 16?"Soon Murder EntersMurder: Oh Geno~ it’s time for my experiments regarding you being a fire cat~ She grabs me as I look at her confusedGenova: "Um I’m not Geno. I’m Genova"Geno soon entersGeno: Hello Murder~Murder: Hi Ge- WAIT.. WHAT THE F-Genova: "So um note to self. I’m never putting myself in this again"Murder: GET BACK HERE GENO!!! DON’T MAKE ME GET OUT THE SPRAY BOTTLE!!Geno: YOU’LL NEVER CATCH ME!!!Genova: "Why did I write them like this?"Murder and Geno Part 17- Murder is still thinking.Murder: WHY DID I SEE TWO OF YOU!?!?Geno: About that… he locks up Murder She needs to calm down after seeing me and the writer. Even though we break the fourth wall, well I mainly do. Anyway time to cause some chaos becomes a fire cat and runs into Murder’s lab, only to be put into a cageMurder: She begins thinking if she could somehow capture GenovaMurder and Geno Part 18 - The update. [End of season 1]Geno: So a lot has happened since October 8th. Genova is now 17 and Murder is still my Dommy Mommy-Murder Slaps GenoMurder: no I am not. She reads the title wait why does it say it end of season 1?!Geno: well there will be a season 2 and- He gets transformed into a cat Mew. Mew? MEW MEW MEW!!Murder: Alright Geno stop playing pranks on me. Turn back into a humanGeno: MEW!! 'I can’t! I’m trying to but it won’t work'Murder: Shit! I thought my plan was foolproof but I guess it has some drawbacks. She sighs and picks up Geno and purrs time to transform you back.

Season 2, Act I: The beginningGenova: So season 2 will be the story of the fan made RPG that I had an idea for in Keloma’s stream on my birthday. So basically France stole Keloma and now it’s up to Geno and Murder to rescue her.Season 2 Act I: New problemsIt has been a week since the end of season 1 and Murder has been trying to turn Geno back into a human with no avail.Murder: So bad news. I can’t turn you back but good news is that I made a translator so I can understand you. Murder gets out the translator and puts it around Geno’s neckGeno: Wasn’t this foolproof, how long will I have to stay as a cat, and well I still get pets?Murder: She sighed and pets Geno to calm him down It was foolproof and I don’t know. I just need a break from everything that happened last week. I feel like a caretaker when you become a cat and since you are one permanently for now, I have no idea what I should do. She scratches Geno chinGeno: He purrs and sits on her lap I’m sorry Murder. I didn’t know I was causing you so much stress.Murder: She smiles slightly hiding it and picks up Geno, yawning as she goes to sleepIn the middle of the nightMissed Calls (1): KelomaSeason 2 Act II: A new evil arisesMurder wakes up and finds her phone had blown up with missed calls from Keloma. Murder played one of the voice mails and accidentally yeets Geno into the wall who quickly turns into a human. "OW! WHAT THE HELL MURDER!?" Geno yelled as Murder was quickly packing. "Murder? Everything okay?" Geno asked as Murder kept packing and was grabbing some weapons. Geno sighed as he decided to help her as he tried to think of what is happening. "Was it France?" Geno asked as Murder sighed and nodded. "Keloma got kidnapped.. last night." Geno hugged her "Well then let’s go get her back!"Season 2 Act III: A Baguette?Geno meowed as he walks with Murder around the bottom floor of the platform. Geno only has been down there a few times, but he never got far. Murder sighed as she held her knife in her off hand as she moved her flashlight around. "It should be here somewhere.." she said as Geno looked at her confused "Mew?" 'What should be here?' He asked as Murder sighed. "It’s something for you to use so you can attack with your fire as a cat. I made it just in case something happened." She said as they soon approached an old door. "It’s in here." She said as she walks to it only for a baguette to be blocking the door. Geno slowly walked to the baguette as it comes alive and slashes Murder’s hand. "WHAT THE FUCK!!" She yelled as she clutched her hand. "Mew!" 'Time to initiate the plan!"Season 2 act III.V: The BattleGenova: hey there. When there is a battle I’ll try to make it play out like an rpg battle.Murder: 300 HPGeno: 150 HPMurder used checkBaguette: A French bread and Keloma’s least preferred type of bread. ATK 20 DEF 10.Geno used IgniteGeno began sparkingBaguette Attacks Murder.Murder takes 10 points of damageMurder used slashBaguette takes 15 points of HPGeno used Fire DashBaguette takes 30 points of HPBaguette is defeatedMurder and Geno gain 10 XP and 5 gold.Season 2 Act IV: AftermathMurder began laughing once they defeated the baguette. "What the fuck just happened?!" She asked. "Mew!" 'I don’t know but it was fun' Geno meowed to her as Murder picks him up after putting on fire proof gloves and carries him as she opens the door to her workshop. "It should be here somewhere. Found it!" She puts a collar on him and laughs a bit as she picks him up again. "Mew?” 'So where you now?' he asked as Murder shrugged, "The master key is below the platform. I hid it there just in case so hopefully my sub still works" she replied as she begins looking for the keys to her submarine.Season 2 Act V: The New Year and the new baseGeno meowed and looked at the time as it was close to midnight and the beginning of the new year. He walks to Murder who had light the fireworks as she pats Geno’s head as he purrs and sits on her lap. 'Hope this new year will be better' he meowed as Murder nodded her head in agreement as the fireworks go off marking the beginning of 2024. Murder smiled slightly and picks up Geno who had fallen asleep on her as she begins to walk to her submarine to head to her base as she needed to think of a plan to get Keloma back as due to the fight that had happened it was safe to say that the platform was not a safe place to be at incase they were attacked while they sleep. Murder opens the hatch and jumps in still holding Geno, she closed the hatch and started the submarine to head her base after finding her keys under the plushie of Keloma that she had on her bed.Season 2 Act VI: The new baseMurder sighed as they finally arrived at her base. It looked old but was still usable. There were drawings of her that Keloma made when she was younger. She looked at the drawings and begin to tear up before wiping her tears away as she began to log into the computer as Geno woke up and watches her. Murder seemed to be looking through cameras to find France but it appeared that they are all down. "Scheiße!" She yelled as she slammed her hand on the table. "Guess I have to restore the camera’s manually. Don’t extinguish yourself yet Geno as we got shit to do!" She takes him back into the sub and sets the destination to Loading Dock A as the first place to restore power there.Chapter 2 Act VII: Restoring PowerMurder sighed as they arrive at Loading Dock A which was completely dark so she used Geno to light the way. "The breaker for this area should be around here somewhere" she said as she kept holding Geno walking around the place. "It feels like we are in a horror movie" Geno said to which Murder laughed. Soon she spot it and runs to it but finds it destroyed. "SCHEIẞE!!!" She yelled and punches the wall extremely pissed "GUESS I HAVE MORE WORK TO DO!!" She yelled as she took out her tools and began working on the breaker but stops after hearing something drop. "Guess we are not alone. Geno you know the drill! Find whoever or whatever caused that while I keep working. Geno nodded and began wondering around until a loud clang was heard followed by a thud as he began rushing back to Murder and found her unconscious on the floor with the person who attacked her above her. It was a baguette as Geno began to flare up more.Season 2 Act VII.V: Geno’s vengeanceGeno looked at the unconscious murder and at the baguette as he starts turning blueBaguette attacks GenoGeno takes 20 points of damageGeno uses extreme flameBaguette is burnedBaguette takes 5 points of damage from the burnBaguette attacks GenoGeno Takes 20 points of damageGeno used last flameBaguette takes 99 damageBaguette is defeatedGeno Gained 10 XPGeno grew to level 2Geno begins to dim and flicker not being able to stay like this as he soon collapses becoming Charcoal Black blending in with the darkness as Murder Woke up from the intense heat. "What happened?" She looks around trying to find a light "Geno? Are you there?" She asked but there was nothing. "Geno you can stop playing around." She said sounding pissed. "GENO!! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?" She begins walks before tripping on the unconscious Geno and hits the floor. "OW! Wait…" she moves her hand to where she tripped and felt fur "Geno?" She picks up Geno wondering why he wasn’t warm but instead cold. She pulls out something and wraps it around his head and sighs. "Hopefully this works." Geno begin to sparkle a little as he begins to become a dark red. Murder smiled a little bit, waiting for him to become brighter so she can finish. She slowly pats Geno’s head and sighs.Genova: hey. Genova here. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapterSeason 2 Act VIII: A Dream or something else?Geno and Murder look upon the final door. They had cornered France into the platform’s generator. Murder looked at Geno who meows at her. Murder sighed, "Unfortunately, this is where we must part. There are still chemicals in there that can react to your flames and will cause this place to explode. I don’t want this to happen but please don’t follow me.." she opens the door and closes it. She takes out her knife and prepares to battle France. Hours pass and soon Murder’s scream can be heard along with a gunshot. Geno woke up from the gunshot and barges into the room seeing Murder on the floor holding her shoulder as blood was coming out of it. Geno looked at France who was smirking. Geno instantly became blue but was slowly getting brighter. Murder looked at Geno and tried to him but the pain in her shoulder made it impossible. Geno looked like he was about to combust as he charges at France. Murder closed her eyes knowing that she couldn’t prevent what would happen next. There were canisters of fuel that had got knocked down during the fight and their contents were spilled on the floor. Murder began to count down, "10…" Geno lunged at France. "9…" France dodged and tries to shoot him. "8…" Geno dodged causing the bullet to hit a fuel canister. "7…" Geno began to turn into a whitish blue. "6…" France noticed Geno being closed to the canisters and started to panic. "5…" Geno dashed as France causing him to hit the wall. "4…" France sighed knowing the end will come soon. "3…" Geno accidentally lit the fuel causing it to engulf in flames. "2…" Keloma’s eyes widened not expecting this to be the end. "1…" The fire is almost at the canister as Geno now realizes. "0…" Murder let out a smile as the fire enters the canister causing explosions to happen. Geno had ran behind Murder who was in critical condition but the explosions were too powerful making Geno and Murder lose consciousness.
Geno soon woke up finding Murder petting him realizing it was all a dream… or was it?
Season 2 Act IXGeno looked around as Murder was petting him. "Is everything alright?" Murder asked, noticing him being on edge "Did I really do that?" Geno asked shaking. "Do what?" Murder asked confused. "Did I really make the platform blow it in the generator." Murder was shocked by that statement and stayed quiet before saying "No. Everything is okay. You haven’t done any of that. Why did you ask?" Geno sighed and explained the dream he had. Murder just stared in shock, she didn’t know he could be that destructive and she was studying him. "You really did all of that? That was reckless of you but you still did it. It seems you really care about me. Thank you, now let’s get this shit ready. Next up is the command center for the entrance." Murder said as Geno listens. "We need to be careful Geno, we don’t know if there is anyone there." Geno nods, slowly becoming scared, not wanting his dream to become true.Season 2 Act XMurder sighed as she and Geno walked to the command center. She knew that she wouldn’t be around if her plan fails, but she needed more time. Unfortunately Geno was the one stopping her. By now she realized she doesn’t want to go on with the plan seeing as Geno cares about her. They had formed a bond after being together but now she had a choice. Stop her plan or.. she stopped herself and forced a fake smile and kept walking until they reached the control room. It look liked someone had been there recently as the camera’s were on. She noticed that Geno was tearing up for some reason. "Are you okay Geno? You seem to be crying..". Geno nodded "Yeah I’m fine. I just sometimes tear up for no reason…" he explained as Murder sighed again. She looks around the control room and grabs Geno after she grabbed a map of the floor. "This will make it better to navigate and restore power."Season 2 Act XIGeno looked at the map and was confused, "Uh Murder? What are these other floors on here?". Murder quickly grabbed the map and sighed. "You see UG3? That’s where we are. Before the platform had the incident there were 8 underground floors. Most of them are completely flooded. I don’t want to go down to the fifth layer. Besides the National animal there, there is also radiation that I don’t want you to experience. It may not look like it but I don’t want what happened down there to happen to you… so many terrible things…" she started to get sidetracked and was about to cry but kept her composure and continued. "Anyways we are never going down there. Hopefully…" she finished as Geno looks at her in shock, he didn’t know there were any more underground layers, the furthest he’d been down was Murder’s lab but Murder saying that there is radiation made he thought that he would never have to go down there. Hopefully at least. Geno knew he had limits. He still wasn’t used to his fire powers as a cat and that nightmare he had made him even more terrified..Season 2. Act XII: une flamme qui diminueMurder sighed "Guess I went off on a tangent." Geno meowed in response and sighed. He was still afraid of his powers, especially if his emotions get the best of him. He might cause a fire or worse… an explosion that would surely kill him. He tried to stop thinking about it as Murder heard the sound of footsteps. The steps very familiar and soon a woman’s voice spoke, "Well well well, if it isn’t anger issues and her pet. I’m surprised you made it this far but I can’t let you save Keloma. I will have my revenge!" France began laughing as Murder finally snapped and started calling France some things as Geno stared being confused. "Such vulgar language. Guess I have to do what I need to do then. Au revoir! She left as bread started to come out of the shadows. "Geno. Follow France and attack her." Murder whispered to which Geno nods and ran after France without knowing what will happen next. "Let’s get this over with, you bread bitches!!" She starts to attack as Geno was still chasing France who was unaware that she was being followed as she played with her dagger. Geno soon dash at France while covered in flames. He swept France off her feet. "Oh. Guess she sent an animal to deal with me. How dumb is she?" She stood back up and smirks at the fire cat. The battle began as Geno lunged at France who is immediately dodged but isn’t fighting back for some strange reason. It was like she was toying with him. She kept dodging his attacks until that fatal moment. Geno lunged at her one final time as France smirked and stabbed Geno straight in the stomach and twisted the knife as his eyes went wide as she smirked. "Well well well~" she takes her knife out and threw Geno on the floor as she soon walked away letting Geno bleed out on the floor as Murder soon finished slicing the last baguette in half as she began running to where Geno was but when she got there she smelt something metallic as panic went across her face,
"This isn’t what I think it is right? Geno?! Are you okay?" There was no response as she could see a figure on the floor as she slowly walked to it. She soon stepped in something that confirmed her suspicion. It was blood, not just anyone’s blood but Geno’s blood. She immediately picked him up and grabbed a first aid kit as she started bandaging him up "Don’t die on me now!" Soon she saw Geno be an extremely dark red as she hugged him tightly. "W-what happened?" Geno asked as Murder looked down and sighed "She stabbed you…"
Season 2 Act XIIIGeno tried to flare up but screamed in pain and coughed up blood. "Stop that Geno!" Murder yelled, "You don’t need to be injured more than what that bitch did!" Geno sighed and looked at her "I want to be a human again.." as he said that he tried to become a human but screamed due to the pain from it. Murder sighed, "I should have never sent you out. It’s all my fault." Geno slowly walked onto her lap, still in pain snd soon fell asleep hoping he was dreaming. Murder sighed and pets him gently. She didn’t know what would happen. She slowly stood up, carrying Geno in her arms and walked to one of the rooms and began to make a bed for Geno to lay on and heal as she would be looking around for anything useful afterwards. She soon got done with the crudely made bed and slowly laid Geno onto it and sighed. "We need to finish this quickly. We have 5 days left to end this"

Chapter 2 Act XIVGeno had woken up after a while being a bit better and looked at the bed Murder made for him. He smiled as Murder came back and grabbed him. "Cmon. Let’s end this.” She began running as Geno lit himself up to a dark red. The light he was emitting was small due to the injury. Murder opened a door and looked around hesitantly as she put down Geno. Murder needed to end this as quick as she can. Geno just sighed, "Murder? How long have we been at this? He asked.." Murder sighed and began counting "Around 4 days now." She replied as Geno looked down. "Will we save Keloma?" He asked. "We will Geno. We Will." Murder replied back as she grabbed something and picked up Geno again. Murder really wanted to end this quickly. She can’t let Geno in on her planChapter 2 Act XVI Das FinaleGeno looked at the door and at Murder. They had found where France was hiding. All that was left was to confront her and get Keloma back. Geno smiled at Murder but Murder hesitantly smiled back as she tightened her grip on her knife. It was almost time.. she needed to end this quickly. The two soon entered the room. Geno was lighting the way due to the room being incredibly dark. Soon running could be heard as Geno could see France holding her knife. Geno jumps out of France’s way as he begins glowing blue. Geno meowed as France charges at him again. Murder charges at France and slams her into the wall. France stood up and lunged at Murder. Geno jumps and scratches France’s face as he lands on the floor. Murder soon noticed blood rolling down France’s face as she realized what Geno did. Geno smirked as France became pissed and charges at him "I should’ve made sure that you were dead!" She yelled as she was trying to stab him. Geno was trying his best to dodge as he was getting brighter. Murder had went off to look for Keloma since their plan was for one of them to distract France while the other looked for Keloma. Murder rushed through the area looking for Keloma. She soon gasped at what she saw. There was blood coming out of the cage and seeping onto the floor. Murder soon unlocked the cage and grabbed Keloma, Hugging her tightly. Geno kept messing with France as she kept trying to stab him. "Just let me stab you!" She yelled. "How about you go calm the fuck down and think about your actions!" Geno yelled back and slammed into France causing a burn hole to appear in her clothes. "You will pay for burning my clothes!!" She immediately throws her knife at Geno who dodges as she knocks over one of the canisters making Geno stop in fear. France smirked seeing it "Cat scared of gasoline?"
She teased as Geno stayed still, not wanting his nightmare to become a reality. Murder was holding onto Keloma tightly as she looked down at her watch and smiled softly. Geno extinguished himself causing the room to be dark and proceeds to knock France over the gasoline canister knocking her out. A bright flash soon comes from Murder was as Geno began to run over there but fainted from exhaustion before arriving.
EpilogueGeno sat on the platform’s edge and looked out onto the sea, back in his human form. It had been a month since they stopped France. He did leave her with claw marks across her face but they had to let her go due to her being the representation of the country of France. He then started to cry remembering what happened after to Murder. He started to remember how this all started, with Keloma taking a picture of them with a camera on Valentine’s Day. He soon took out a notepad and started writing about it as he remembered more and kept writing until he got until the finale. He planned on showing it to the new creature on the platform so they could understand him more and why he hanged in Murder’s lab now.. He is slowly starting to exit the lab time after time but still stays in it.Genova: Hey. Thank you for reading this incredible journey. It’s funny to think this entire thing started on Valentine’s Day as a one off and spiraled off into 2 acts. I want to say thank you for this incredible journey.

The day Geno and Murder switched roles

These fanfics dont represent 100% the official lore!

The original beginning of Keloma
A work in progress book

The days were quiet, cold and wet, but it seemed as this didn't bother the young girl as she roamed around the buildings that were firmly set in ice and rock. She sat at the rooftop of the highest building, softly humming to herself as the snow swirled around her and the sea roared beneath. Sometimes one of the sailors passing by to bring equipment and rations would get a glimpse of her. Or one of the research platform's personal would spot her high up there, but who would believe them? Who would believe that a kid with skin as white as the snowstorm, barely dressed in a bed sheet would sit up there watching them? And so she became a myth of the secretive research platform 'Keloma'.The girl with bright curious yellow eyes soon noticed that she bothered those that spotted her. She tried to stay out of sight, using the various spacious vents to move around. She didn't bother that dust and spider webs collected in her tousled hair or that her hands and feet were bare. She didn't know where she came from, how she came to be. She didn't care either. She just woke up one day in the very center of the platform, a room she knew very well by now. A small closet. By now it was filled with blankets and pillows she collected. Little trinkets no one would miss hanging from the ceiling, the walls and scattered around the floor. The key, long lost, but none of the platform's personal would bother to break into a small closet, known to be empty anyway.She watched from the vents, from the roofs, from the dark corners in the hallway. Her eyes curious twinkling as the researchers experimented on various devices, strange plants and animals. From time to time weird creatures not quite animal not quite human would come into the facility as well. She didn't follow them. Too scared. Too scared of the screams, the blood and the pain echoing from them.
She fled in those moments, up to the surface, drown out the sounds with the crashing waves, watching the sailors as they fought against the snow storm to bring food, machinery and new people to the docks.
Sometimes she would steal a few packages of food, even tho she didn't seem to need to eat. The rests she would bring by at the laboratories to share with the lab rats. She liked the company that the small rodents gave her, such as the company the spiders and various bugs provided her on her way through the vents.One day the platform was busier than usual. Keloma was on her usual perch to overlook the transporter ships arrive. She had seen plenty of strange equipment and machines being brought inside, but this massive machine they unloaded onto the decks made her skin crawl. She followed the machine inside, hiding in the shadows and using the vents. In the deepest part of the platform the circular device, with arms poking off like a exotic plant ready to devour a human, got connected to various cables and pipes. A soft green light was emitted from the very tips of those arms before small bolts snaked around them to the base.
The little girl couldn't take her eyes of the green light emitting from the machine. There was something ominous about it, something that hinted at the dangerous power the machine possesses.
Her instincts told her to hurry back, hide and and seek shelter in her little room, but her curiosity got the better of her.
Suddenly a bolt of power shot right at her, hitting the vent and the power fizzling out at the metal protection.
Scared, the kid pressed herself to the back of the vent, wide eyes staring down at the machine, heart racing. She knew something was wrong, that something would happen if they activated this machine. She couldn't just sit there and wait. She slipped into the shadows, determined to find out what they want to achieve with this machine.
She heard the voices, some exhilarated, some filled with doubt, some mumbling in indifference. She sneaked nearer, now not at the ceiling but under the floor, green flashes of light illuminating the water drainage.
She saw the platform personal walk, carrying more cables. Right beside her a group of three people in lab coats, each bearing a black ID card around their neck. The highest clearance. One, young, black short hair and a small build, was in anger, almost shouting and gesturing wildly. Another, a grey unkempt beard and round thick glasses, looking stern and firmly answering to the younger, crossing his arms. The third trying to mediate, trying to calm down the young professor, but as he touched his shoulder the man ran off. He looked at the older professor, a sigh and the old man gestured to proceed.
The little girl didn't understand the words they used, never learned to speak, but she knew what to do. Find the man. He knew something was wrong and she would make him explain to her in one way or the other.
She crawled out of the drainage and stood in an empty hallway, she knew in what direction the man stormed off to so she headed that way. She came past the personal quarters, just drips of water and distant foot steps breaking the quiet. The girl was sure he went this way as suddenly a loud bang made her freeze, then shouting. The man! She hurried, following the noise, the sounds of anger and frustration, the banging against walls and the throwing of furniture. She stopped. The writing on the door looked different to what she usually saw, more like small pictures made out of sticks than the rounded forms on the other doors. Carefully she looked through the opening, now silence engulfing the spare little place. The doctor was kneeling on the floor, his hands bruised, breathing heavy.
The door squeaked when she squeezed through the small opening and the professor's head snapped around to see who entered. Silence. Eyes widening. Mouth opened in disbelief. He turned, slowly backing away while the little girl, unsure what to do now that she got here, just stood there watching.
"You. You are real?"
[To be continued]

[This plays after the platform was discovered and when the platform got famous]
France cold fingers brushed against Kelomas cheek. The young adult winced at the touch. She could hear the muffled screams behind her. France softly chuckled and completed her circle around the chair she was bound on. Her slender hands brushing over the withered wood, carefully manicured fingers glistening in the dim light. "Now. Now. No need to get so feisty Mon Cheri" Murder glared at France, two man holding her down on her knees, hands shackled and bruised.France went onto one knee in front of her with an elegant motion cupping Murder's chin in her hand. "Well it's really fascinating...", France slowly turned Murder's head to the left. "that you look exactly like her, just older. I wonder what will happen once she breaks down and accepts to be my colony" Murders head snapped forward, the gag coming undone. She snarled at the woman coldy smiling down to her as she stood up. The next moment the organisation's face smashed against the concrete floor. The guards hand pressing down hard.France retreated to Keloma. The poor girl was shock frozen and stared blankly onto the floor in front of her. When the fine red high heels came to stop in the exact spot she was staring at she startled. "You know... I could hurt her way worse. You can put an end to this. Just send her away. She has to listen to you doesn't she?", France spoke right beside Kelomas ear while locking eyes with Murder behind her. Murder's eyes widened and she struggled against the two men holding her, the gag in its place again.Keloma slowly lifted her head to look at France, tears in her eyes, her voice small. "You won't hurt her if she leaves?" "Of course darling, I won't bother her as long as she doesn't bother me." France said as she took a step and leaned on the chair while looking down on Murder. "All you have to do is tell her and then agree to becoming my colony."Thousand thoughts ran through Murders mind. She doesn't know what that means! Leave her alone! How can I stop this?! ... What if, what if... What if I loose her?
Keloma's head slowly turned to look up to France. She couldn't see that the twisted woman was reveling in every aspect of Murder's agony. When France turned to face Keloma the smirk was hidden, her eyes full of sympathy, while her hand softly caressed the bright stripes on Keloma's face. "Just a few words and this is over" One of the guards twisted Murder's finger around until a fine crack was audible. Murder tried her best to keep the screams in, hold the tears back, fine blood seeping into the gag as she bit her lip. When the wave of pain had washed over her and she regained her senses she saw Keloma's face. The shock, the hurt, the confusion and the sorrow. It broke Murder's heart, as she breathed heavily.
France's hands laying casually yet assertive on the teenagers shoulders were another stab. The manipulative narcissist enjoying every bit of this theatre. "Go on dear. We don't want to cause her more pain do we? She won't give up unless you tell her." Keloma's head snapped to look up at France, like she was pulled out of trance then back to Murder. Her lips quivering. "Murd... Murder..." The words so quiet they barely made it to the organisation. "Louder. She has to hear you." One of the guards stepped on her back, barely missing the broken finger. Murder winced an involuntary reaction and immediately regretted it. Her eyes full of fear glued onto Keloma. "I...i want you to go." First soft then as France duck her nails into her shoulders louder, Keloma spoke her last words to Murder. "Murder.. I.. I want you to go, leave! I will be France's colony and you will be safe, you will be okey! I Will be okey. Don't look for me. Don't annoy France... It will be..."
Keloma choked on her own words as a burning sensation crept up her throat and across her face. "Yes exactly like this!" France turned the chair around, leaning on both arms, her eyes purely focussed on Keloma's face. The young teenager was gasping for air, her hands opening and closing as inhuman noises escaped her throat.
Murder didn't see what exactly was happening but France touched Kelomas face and a strange light illuminated her face as the countryhuman started screaming. A scared, broken and confused scream.
Murder's struggles died down as she was pulled out of the room. She failed. She failed and France looked satisfied at her ashamed and broken expression, before giving her full attention back to the struggling countryhuman in front of her.But Murder wasn't simply let go as France said. Hours later when the screams had died down that echoed through the complex and tortured Murder she visited the organisation.The twisted woman simply stood there, looking down at Murder. Murder which has undergone the same transformation as Keloma. Her face bearing a new flag, a twisted and french version by the design of this lunatic. Murder had bashed in the furniture in the cell, had clawed at her own face, had broken her knuckles by trying to break down the door.
And now. Now this monster just stood there, holding the door open for her to leave. She couldn't disobey. She could just go.
But even if she was allowed to punish this monster. She didn't think she would have the strength for it. More the will. She failed. She had lost her everything.
In a daze she was accompanied in front of the complex and in a daze she wandered aimlessly.